Package 'triversity'

Title: Diversity Measures on Multipartite Graphs
Description: Computing diversity measures on multipartite graphs. This package first implements a parametrized family of such diversity measures which apply on probability distributions. Sometimes called "True Diversity", this family contains famous measures such as the richness, the Shannon entropy, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, and the Berger-Parker index. Second, the package allows to apply these measures on probability distributions resulting from random walks between the parts of multipartite graphs. By defining an initial distribution on a given part of the graph and a path to follow between the different parts, the probability of the walker's position within the final part is then computed, thus providing a particular instance of diversity to measure.
Authors: Robin Lamarche-Perrin [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Robin Lamarche-Perrin <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3 | file LICENSE
Version: 2.0
Built: 2025-03-05 03:00:44 UTC

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Compute all diversity flows associated to different random walks between the parts of a multipartite graph.


get_all_diversities builds on get_diversity_from_path to compute the diversity values associated to all possible paths of a given length between the different parts of the input multipartite graph.


get_all_diversities(graph, length = 2, cycles = TRUE, type = c("mean",
  "collective"), order = NULL, measure = NULL)



A multipartite graph obtained by calling the get_multipartite function.


A positive integer giving the maximal length of the computed paths.


A boolean value indicating if the diversity associated to paths containing cycles should be computed.


A vector specifying the types of diversity to compute, among 'mean' and 'collective'. See get_diversity_from_path.


A vector of positive floats (possibly including Inf) giving the orders of the diversity measures to be computed. If neither order nor measure is specified, a predefined list of 8 diversity measures is computed.


A vector of strings giving the names of the diversity measures to compute. Possible values are richness, entropy, herfindahl, and bergerparker.


A dataframe summarising all the computed diversities.


data (tripartite_example)
graph <- get_multipartite (data=tripartite_example)
get_all_diversities (graph)

Compute the probability distribution associated to a random walk following a path between the parts of a multipartite graph.


get_distribution_from_path computes the probability distribution of a random walk following a given path between the different parts of the input multipartite graph. It starts at a given part with an initial probability distribution, then randomly follows the links of the graph between the different parts according to the input path, then stops at the last specified part.


get_distribution_from_path(graph, path, initial_distribution = NULL,
  initial_node = NULL)



A multipartite graph obtained by calling the get_multipartite function.


A vector of character strings giving the path that the random walk should follow between the different parts of the input multipartite graph. This path can be as long as wanted, with eventual cycles, and each string it contains should refer to a label in graph$parts.


(optional) A vector of floats in [0,1] and summing to 1 giving the probability distribution to start with at the first part of the input path. It should hence contain as many values as there are nodes in the corresponding part. If not specified, this distribution is assumed uniform.


(optional) A character string giving the label of a node in the first part of the input path. This node is then considered to have probability one, thus being equivalent to specifying an initial_distribution with only zeros except for one node. If not specified, no such node is defined and the initial distribution is then assumed uniform.


A vector of floats in [0,1] and summing to 1 giving the probability distribution of the random walk when arriving at the last part, after having followed the input path within the different parts of the graph.


data (tripartite_example)
graph <- get_multipartite (data=tripartite_example)

path <- c(2,1,2,3)
as.matrix (get_distribution_from_path (graph, path))
as.matrix (get_distribution_from_path (graph, path, initial_distribution=c(1/3,0,0,2/3)))
as.matrix (get_distribution_from_path (graph, path, initial_node='i2'))

Compute the diversity of a probability distribution.


get_diversity_from_distribution computes diversity values associated to an input probability distribution. The implemented diversity measures all belong to the parametrized family of "True Diversity" measures. They can either be specified by their diversity order in [0,Inf[ or by their measure name when it corresponds to classical instances such as the richness, the Shannon entropy, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, or the Berger-Parker index.


get_diversity_from_distribution(distribution, order = NULL, measure = NULL)



A vector of floats in [0,1] and summing to 1 giving the probability distribution whose diversity is measured.


A vector of positive floats (possibly including Inf) giving the orders of the diversity measures to be computed. If neither order nor measure is specified, a predefined list of 8 diversity measures is computed.


A vector of strings giving the names of the diversity measures to compute. Possible values are richness, entropy, herfindahl, and bergerparker.


A vector of positive floats giving the diversity values of the input probability distribution.


distribution <- c (1/4, 1/2, 1/12, 2/12)

get_diversity_from_distribution (distribution)
get_diversity_from_distribution (distribution, order=c(0,Inf), measure='entropy')

Compute the diversity associated to a random walk following a path between the parts of a multipartite graph.


get_diversity_from_path computes diversity values of the probability distribution of a random walk following a path between the different parts of the input multipartite graph. It starts at a given part with an initial probability distribution, then randomly follows the links of the graph between the different parts according to the input path, then stops at the last specified part. The implemented diversity measures all belong to the parametrized family of "True Diversity" measures. They can either be specified by their diversity order in [0,Inf[ or by their measure name when it corresponds to classical instances such as the richness, the Shannon entropy, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, or the Berger-Parker index.


get_diversity_from_path(graph, path, type = "individual",
  mean_distribution = NULL, initial_distribution = NULL,
  initial_node = NULL, order = NULL, measure = NULL)



A multipartite graph obtained by calling the get_multipartite function.


A vector of character strings giving the path that the random walk should follow between the different parts of the input multipartite graph. This path can be as long as wanted, with eventual cycles, and each string it contains should refer to a label in graph$parts.


Either 'individual', to separately compute all individual diversities, 'mean', to compute their geometric mean, or 'collective', to compute the overall diversity.


(optional, only when type == 'mean') A vector of floats in [0,1] and summing to 1 giving the probability distribution that is used to weight the diversity values when computing their geometric means. It should hence contain as many values as there are rows in the input transition. If not specified, this distribution is assumed uniform.


(optional, only when type == 'collective') A vector of floats in [0,1] and summing to 1 giving the probability distribution to start with at the first part of the input path. It should hence contain as many values as there are nodes in the corresponding part. If not specified, this distribution is assumed uniform.


(optional, only when type == 'collective') A character string giving the label of a node in the first part of the input path. This node is then considered to have probability one, thus being equivalent to specifying an initial_distribution with only zeros except for one node. If not specified, no such node is defined and the initial distribution is then assumed uniform.


A vector of positive floats (possibly including Inf) giving the orders of the diversity measures to be computed. If neither order nor measure is specified, a predefined list of 8 diversity measures is computed.


A vector of strings giving the names of the diversity measures to compute. Possible values are richness, entropy, herfindahl, and bergerparker.


A matrix (or a vector) of positive floats giving the individual diversity values of the random walks following the input path (or their mean, or the collective diversity).


data (tripartite_example)
graph <- get_multipartite (data=tripartite_example)
path <- c(1,2,3)

get_diversity_from_path (graph, path, 'individual', measure=c('entropy','herfindahl'))
get_diversity_from_path (graph, path, 'individual', order=c(0,1,Inf))

# Mean of individual diversities
get_diversity_from_path (graph, path, 'mean')
get_diversity_from_path (graph, path, 'mean', mean_distribution=c(1/3,2/3))

# Collective diversities
get_diversity_from_path (graph, path, 'collective')
get_diversity_from_path (graph, path, 'collective', initial_distribution=c(0.75,0.25))

Compute the diversity of a transition matrix, that is the individual diversities of its rows or their mean diversity.


get_diversity_from_transition either computes the individual diversity values associated to the rows of the input transition matrix, or the geometric means of these values, optionally weighting them according to the input mean_distribution. This hence allows to compute conditional diversity values associated to a transition matrix.


get_diversity_from_transition(transition, type = "individual",
  mean_distribution = NULL, order = NULL, measure = NULL)



A matrix of floats in [0,1], with all lines summing to 1, giving the transition matrix from which the individual diversity values are computed.


Either 'individual', to separately compute all individual diversities, or 'mean', to compute their geometric mean.


(optional, only when type == 'mean') A vector of floats in [0,1] and summing to 1 giving the probability distribution that is used to weight the diversity values when computing their geometric means. It should hence contain as many values as there are rows in the input transition. If not specified, this distribution is assumed uniform.


A vector of positive floats (possibly including Inf) giving the orders of the diversity measures to be computed. If neither order nor measure is specified, a predefined list of 8 diversity measures is computed.


A vector of strings giving the names of the diversity measures to compute. Possible values are richness, entropy, herfindahl, and bergerparker.


A matrix (or a vector) of positive floats giving the individual diversity values (or their geometric mean) of the row of the input transition matrix.


transition <- matrix (c (1/3, 1/3, 1/3, 0.9, 0.1, 0), nrow=2, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)

get_diversity_from_transition (transition, type='individual', order=c(0,Inf), measure='entropy')
get_diversity_from_transition (transition, type='mean')
get_diversity_from_transition (transition, type='mean', mean_distribution=c(1/4,3/4))

Build a properly-structured multipartite graph from raw data.


get_multipartite builds a properly-structured multipartite graph from a file or from a data.frame containing raw data. This object can then be used by the other functions of this package. The structure of the input data and of the resulting structure is detailed below.


get_multipartite(filename = NULL, data = NULL)



A character string giving the path to the file containing the raw data.

The input file should contain at least four columns, separated by spaces. Each row gives a link between two nodes belonging to two different parts of the multipartite graph. The first column gives the label of the part of the first node and the second column gives the label of this node (any character string). Similarly, the third and fourth columns give the labels of the second part and of the second node. The file can eventually contain a fifth column giving the weights of the links (any positive integer or float value).


A data.frame containing the raw data.

This data.frame should have the same structure than the one described above for the case of an input file: four columns indicating the labels of the parts and of the nodes constituting the link, and an optional fifth column for its weight. At least filename or data should be specified, but not both at the same time.


A properly-structured multipartite graph that can be used by the other functions of the triversity package.

The resulting object encodes the labels of the parts and of the nodes in the multipartite graph, as well as the transition matrices of random walks following different paths between parts (encoded as sparse matrices of floats in [0,1], with all rows summing to 1). These transition matrices are then used by functions such as get_distribution_from_path to compute the probability distributions of such random walks, or such as get_diversity_from_path to compute the diversity of these distributions.

Assuming the object returned by get_multipartite is stored in the graph variable, then:

  • graph$parts is a vector of character strings giving the labels of the different parts in the multipartite graph;

  • graph$nodes is a list of vectors of character strings giving the labels of the nodes constituting the different parts of the multipartite graph;

  • graph$edges is a data.tree whose nodes each contains the transition matrix of the corresponding random walk.

See Also

Package slam for the sparse encoding of transition matrices and package data.tree for the tree structure storing these matrices.


data (tripartite_example)
graph <- get_multipartite (data=tripartite_example)


part1 <- graph$parts[1]

part2 <- graph$parts[2]
as.matrix (graph$edges$Climb(part1,part2)$matrix)

Compute the transition matrix of a random walk following a path between the parts of a multipartite graph.


get_transition_from_path computes the transition matrix of a random walk following a path between the different parts of the input multipartite graph.


get_transition_from_path(graph, path)



A multipartite graph obtained by calling the get_multipartite function.


A vector of character strings giving the path that the random walk should follow between the different parts of the input multipartite graph. This path can be as long as wanted, with eventual cycles, and each string it contains should refer to a label in graph$parts.


Note that the multipartite graph structure implemented in this package stores in memory any computed transition matrix to avoid redundant computation in the future. Hence, the latter execution of get_transition_from_path, or of any other function that builds on it, can be much faster than the first call. The transition matrices are stored within a data.tree in the input graph variable (see graph$edges).


A matrix of floats in [0,1], with all lines summing to 1, giving the transition matrix of the random walk following the input path.


data (tripartite_example)
graph <- get_multipartite (data=tripartite_example)

as.matrix (get_transition_from_path (graph, path=c(2,1,2,3)))

An example of dataframe encoding a small tripartite graph.


tripartite_example is a data.frame containing raw data that encodes a small tripartite graph. It has the proper format to be loaded by get_multipartite. It contains four columns. Each row gives a link between two nodes belonging to two different parts of the tripartite graph. The first column gives the label if the part of the first node and the second column gives the label of this node (any character string). Similarly, the third and fourth columns give the labels of the second part and of the second node. A fifth column could eventually be added to give the weights of the links (any positive integer or float value).




An object of class data.frame with 11 rows and 4 columns.


data (tripartite_example)
head (tripartite_example)

graph <- get_multipartite (data=tripartite_example)

Compute diversity measures on multipartite graphs.


triversity is an R package for the computation of diversity measures on multipartite graphs. First, it implements a parametrized family of such diversity measures which apply on probability distributions. Sometimes called "True Diversity", this family contains famous measures such as the richness, the Shannon entropy, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, and the Berger-Parker index. Second, the package allows to apply these measures on probability distributions resulting from random walks between the parts of multipartite graphs. By defining an initial distribution on a given part of the graph and a path to follow between the different parts, the probability of the walker's position within the final part is then computed, thus providing a particular instance of diversity to measure.

This package has been developed by researchers of the Complex Networks team, located within the Computer Science Laboratory of Paris 6 (LIP6), for the AlgoDiv project founded by the French National Agency of Research (ANR) under grant ANR-15-CE38-0001.



List of main collaborators:

  • Robin Lamarche-Perrin (CNRS, ISC-PIF, LIP6)

  • Lionel Tabourier (UPMC, LIP6)

  • Fabien Tarissan (CNRS, ISP, LIP6)

  • Raphaël Fournier S'niehotta (CNAM, CÉDRIC)

  • Rémy Cazabet (UdL, LIRIS)

Copyright 2017 © Robin Lamarche-Perrin

triversity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see